Friday, October 29, 2010

November 1 - 5

Another new month. Watch out! Christmas will be here before you know it!!
*Halloween Party - Special thanks to our room mom, Leslie Heggie, for helping to make the pizzas. Also thanks to Cathy Runquist, Maria Wert, Darla Harker and Leslie Heggie for cooking the pizzas. What would we do without moms!!
*The Halloween pictures looked adorable. Sorry I wasn't able to be at school to celebrate Halloween with the kids. I hope they had a fun time.
*Remembrance Day Program - Wednesday, November 10 @10:00 a.m. - Grade 1's are singing 2 songs.
*Character Education for November - Empathy.
*School T-Shirt orders - Due November 3.
*Spelling - I didn't get to look at the Spelling Test on Thursday. I'm sure every one did awesome. Remember, your child won't always get every word right all the time, but they are trying to do their best all the time.
*Reading - I am so excited about the progress that we have made in our class. Keep up the good work!
*Scholastic Book Order for November - I will send an order on November 5, 10, 19, 26. If you want to order for Christmas, I can let you know when the order arrives.
*Weather - We have been so lucky so far with good weather. One day when it was so cold, I was impressed with the hats, mitts, and even boots that your child wore. Thanks so much for helping your child dress appropriately for the weather.
*Our class is getting better at doing up their zipper on their coat. Shoe laces still need work. Practice, practice, practice!
*Parent-Teacher Interviews - November 15 Report Cards go home. Parent-Teacher Interviews are on Wednesday, November 17. I am looking forward to meeting with every one.
*Library - I know some of the library books that your child brings home are too hard for them to read. It is hard to find library books at a beginning level for Grade 1 students. That is why it is important to practice reading the stories that we are reading at school. They have words that Grade 1 students can sound out, along with the sight words that we are learning to read also.
*Remember to complete worksheets and send them back when your child returns after they have been absent.
We are ready for another great month! "Enjoy Your Crew"!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 25 - 29

Last week of October. They say it is a sign of old age when the days, weeks, months, and years go by so quickly! Wow!
I am just so impressed with all the good things that are happening in our class. Every one is working so well and really trying to do their best! I love it!

*My father-in-law passed away and so I probably won't be to school on Friday for the Halloween Party. I'll have the students goodie bags at school for them. Halloween night, I won't be home, as we will all be together as a family.

*Reading - Thanks for really understanding the importance of reading every night consistently. It sure pays off. I'm very impressed with your dedication to your child's success in Grade 1!
*Spelling - Amazing! Our class is doing awesome. I hope you are as impressed as I am, even if your child misspells a few words. The words are so close to being right. Remember to always celebrate the good things your child does. Spelling Test Thursday, October 28!
*Halloween Party - It is coming fast. The kids are excited about wearing their costumes and eating goodies. Parade will start between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m.
Please have food to school by 8:30 a.m. because we will be making our pizzas.
*Scholastic Book Order for November - I will send an order on November 5, 10, 19, and 26.
*Character Education for November is Empathy. Our class is a great example of Empathy. I love the way the students look out for each other and really show that they care for one another.
*Library - We are checking out 2 books now. Remember students can keep the books for 1 week and then they need to be returned. Library classes every Wednesday and Friday.
*Plastic Grocery Bags - Thanks for sending!
*Pizza Day - Thanks for allowing your child to stay and eat! They love it. Thanks for remembering to wear red and white! The class looks so good in red.
Shoe laces and zipper - Thanks for practicing!
Weather - Fantastic weather this past week. Temperature dropping and I heard maybe a little bit of snow next week. I'm not ready for that yet!
*School T-shirt orders - Due November 3.
*Parent-Teacher Interviews - November 15 Report Cards go home. Parent-Teacher Interviews are Wednesday, November 17.
*Thanks for getting to school on time. We are doing so much better!
Ready, set, go for another great week. "Enjoy Your Crew"!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Your kids are so creative! I love the way they enjoy doing art and aren't afraid to use their own ideas. Look at our cool bulletin board for our pictures and awesome printing!

October 18 - 22, 2010

We are half way through the month once again. Amazing!
Another great week!
*Spelling - Wow! Our class is doing so well. Even if your child misspelled 1 or 2 words, they did an awesome job. Remember to celebrate the successes of how well they did. Practice reading spelling and sight words every week. It amazes me that students can spell the words but have trouble reading the spelling words.
*Home Reading - Keep up the great work! What a neat experience it is for you to snuggle with your child and read together. There will be a new story coming home every Monday. Please remember to read every night plus read the vocabulary words.
*Blog - Hope you enjoy the pictures on the blog. At the end of the school year, each student will receive a D.V.D. with pictures of activities we have experienced at school.
*Halloween Party - Friday, October 29. Parade at 11:30 a.m. Parents will sit in the gym to watch the parade.
Alex - 14 slices ham Raegan - 1 pkg summer sausage - extra thin slices
Ivy - 1 pkg cheese shredded Britton - 26 cookies
Amelia - 26 rice krispie squares Mrs. Bourne - pizza sauce, cheese, pineapples,
Kitanna - 1 pkg pizza shells (12) mushrooms, candy
Please have food to school by 8:30 a.m.
Each student is making their own pizza and then Jane's mom, Leslie Heggie, will have some of the mom's come and cook them for us.
Some of you have asked if you can send something for the party. You will have your turn at Christmas or Valentine's, but you may send something if you would like to.
*Scholastic Book Order - Friday, October 22.
*Character Education - Integrity
*Library - We go every Wednesday and Friday.
*Picture Retake - October 19. Money for pictures due October 18.
*Agendas - Thanks for remembering to send it every day along with the zipped lock bag.
*Plastic Grocery Bags - Send anytime!
*Shoe laces and zippers - Keep practicing! It sure helps.
*Weather - Weather is changing. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately because we go outside unless there is a downpour or chance of frost bite!
*Lunch Schedule - I'm glad we are back to our old lunch schedule. The kids that went home for lunch, didn't have a chance to play outside when they came back.
Lunch 12:00 - 12:22 p.m. - eat lunch. Then 12:22 - 12:44 p.m. students are out side playing. Warning bell rings at 12:44 p.m. Thanks for trying to be back to school on time.
Hope you had a great weekend and enjoy "Your Crew"!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 11 - 15

Thanksgiving dinner was awesome! I love turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, fresh rolls, salad, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I'm glad I don't eat like this every day though! I would need a nap every afternoon. Hope you had a great holiday weekend with your family and friends.
*Lates - Much better week! Thanks for trying to come at least 5 minutes early. Remember, it helps your child to be ready for the morning.
*Home Reading - Once again, thanks for your help with the consistent reading every night. We are starting our Primary Phonics Reading Series. I think you will really enjoy practicing reading these stories with your child. It is important to read these stories every night.
*Spelling Test - Impressive!! We just keep doing better and better!
*Cross Country Run - It was awesome. The committee that was in charge, lengthened the course. The students did extremely well! The weather was great and the students enjoyed the bus ride. Thanks to those of you that came and watched!
*Author Hazel Hutchins did a fantastic presentation. The students were spellbound for an hour. She did a little juggling demonstration at the end. The students were very impressed.
*Picture Retake - October 19. Remember, money for pictures is due Oct. 18.
*Library - Mrs. Peterson does a super job.
*Character Education - Integrity
Halloween Party and Parade - Friday, October 29. We are having a Pizza Party. The students make their own pizza and then our Room Mother, Leslie Heggie, will have a few moms come and take the pizza's home to cook them for us. It is so much fun for me to watch the students make their own pizza. Parents will be sitting in the gym to watch the Halloween Parade. Start digging out the costumes.
*Zip-Lock Bag - Thanks for returning it every day.
*Scholastic Book Order - I will be sending another order on October 15 & Oct. 22.
*Pizza Orders - Please hand in by Thursday, October 14 a.m. Thanks! Even if you have prepaid, please return the order form so that I know what your child is ordering. Our class looks so cool when everyone wears red and white on that day.
*Parent Teacher Interviews are coming in about a month. I'm looking forward to meeting with everyone!
*Weather - I am so glad that we don't have to worry about winter coats, mittens, scarves, and boots yet.
*Shoe laces and zippers - Keep practicing!
*Snacks - I really appreciate the way you remember to send recess snacks and snacks for Snack Day on Friday.
*This will be a short week! Friday will be here before you know it. "Enjoy your crew."

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 4, 2010

October is here and Thanksgiving and Halloween are just around the corner.
What a great month! Printing has improved, we are learning to read, and spelling is awesome! Thanks you for all of your support!
*Absent - Thanks for completing worksheets when your child is absent. I appreciate it very much.
*Late - I have quite a few students who are coming 5 minutes late in the morning and the afternoon. Warning bell is 8:25 a.m. School starts at 8:30 a.m. Afternoon the warning bell goes at 12:45 p.m. and school starts at 12:50 p.m. Maybe set your clock 5 - 10 minutes ahead! Your child is more settled and ready to start if they get to school around 8:20 a.m. That way they can visit with the kids in the class, fill their water bottle, talk to me, etc.
*Cross Country Run - If this is your child's 1st time, it is very low key for the
Gr. 1's. We run west of the Motor-Cross track, just across the road. Grade 1's do not have to run very far and there are some Grade 6 students who lead them around. It is a fun experience for the students. You can come and watch if you want to. Next week, I'll know the schedule. We usually go last. Whatever the schedule is, I would plan to be there at least 15 - 20 minutes earlier. Last year we were ahead of the schedule and some of the parents that came, missed seeing their child.
*Picture Retake - I am amazed that with digital cameras, some of the pictures weren't a little better. Thank goodness for retakes!
*Halloween Party list will be on the blog on Oct. 12. Parents will sit in the gym to watch the Halloween Parade.
*Fire Safety - The students loved Fireman Stan Colenutt. Practice fire safety with your family at home. Practice your escape and meeting place.
*Home Reading - Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Keep up the great work. I hope you are enjoying your "one on one time" with your child when you read together. Practice the stories on the sheet and in the booklet at home. I test the students on the vocabulary words that are on the sheet. Remember to practice them in different directions each time.
Spelling Test - Aren't you impressed with how well your child is doing? I'm trying to get your child to not make corrections on their spelling test. But they can't stand that. They want to correct it. I would like you to see how they write the words, so that it might help you when you study for next week.
*Library - Your child loves going to the library.
*Oct. 6 - Author visit - Hazel Hutchins - Gr. 1 goes to the library at 10:30 - 11:00.
*Character Education - Integrity
*Thanks for returning Chirp, Chickadee, & Owl forms. We love our classroom rewards. Highlight forms will coming this week.
*Ziplock Bags - Please return every day!
*Weather - If the weather starts turning cold, make sure your child is dressed warm enough for recess outside.
Hope everyone enjoyed the warm weekend.
It's going to be a great week.