Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 28 - April 1

The week went fast! I'm good and ready for spring! I think we might have a taste of it this week!
*Family Celebration sheet - Please return as soon as possible! It is for our Grade 1 booklet.
*Worksheets - Thanks for returning them when your child is absent.
*Reading Challenge - Last week! Thanks for reading. All slips must be returned by Thursday, March 31. Hopefully someone in our class will win a book or gift certificate to buy books.
*Cookie Dough - Thanks for your support with our fundraising for our Big Toy.
*Spring Concert - Thursday, March 31 - Cultural Hall - 6:30 p.m. Remember to wear white shirts and dark pants. We are goats! Bring your cameras.
*Weather - Be prepared with wet shoes and socks. Gum Boots would help!
*Home Reading - Hope you are enjoying reading with your child. This should be a special time you look forward to every night.
*Bike - Now that hopefully the weather is going to be warm for students to ride their bikes, please review bicycle safety with your child. I will be doing the same at school.
*Sports Day - We will be starting to practice for this fun day in May. Grade 1's have to run only once around the track so we will be getting into shape for this. Maybe as a family you could run around the block every night to help us get fit.
*Wednesday and Thursday I will be absent. I have appointments with the specialist in Lethbridge. Mrs. Kaye Merrill will be subbing for me. I will be to the performance on Thursday night.
*Play Practice - Tuesday & Wednesday. Dress rehearsal Thursday @ 9:45 a.m. Grade 4, 5, 6 will be watching. We will be at the Rec Hall if you need your child on these days.
We have 3 months of school left. It is going to be a fun week. "Enjoy Your Crew".

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21 - 25

Hope all went well last week. My week was awesome! Graduation was exciting!!
Grandkids were fabulous!!! My 2 daughters came back for a 2 week visit, so I have 4 of my grandchildren here!
*Reading Challenge - I checked the box and was glad to see lots of slips to enter the draw at the end of the month. Thanks for reading with your child.
*Home Reading - Even though the reading is easy for some of the students in the class, please read the story at home. This way, you know if your child is reading at the level they should be at.
*Spring Concert - White shirts and dark pants. Cultural Hall Thursday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m.
*Weather - Snow! I'm not ready for a couple of days of snow. I enjoyed 60 - 70 degree weather in Colorado.
*Fundraiser - Cookie Dough
I'm gearing up for the week! Call me if you have any concerns. "Enjoy Your Crew!"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 14 - 18

Awesome week! Thanks so much for attending Student Led Conferences. Your child had so much fun practicing and giving you a test! You Are The Best!!
I'm on my way to Colorado! Can't wait to see my grandchildren and secondly my kids!
*Fundraiser - Cookie Dough - Look for information package Monday, March 14. Funding is for staging and lighting in the gym.
*Cupcakes will be delivered on Tuesday, March 15. Thanks for supporting the Quinton Family.
*Gymnastics every Friday morning with Sheronna-Jo Peterson Romeril
*Check Lost and Found next week. You might be surprised at what might be on the table in the main hallway.
*Pizza Day - Thursday, March 17 - wear red or green.
*St. Patrick's Day - Thursday 17 - wear green or red.
*Library Reading Challenge - Bunch of Munsch - March 14 - 31. Be prepared every day for the different activities. Remember to send the green reading slip for every 15 minutes read. Hopefully our class will win some of the draws at the end of the month.
*Mr. Hogg is having knee surgery on March 14. He is excited about having a new life.
*Kaye Bridge Merrill is subbing next week!
*Spelling - Thanks for all of your help!
*Weather - Be prepared for wet clothes. Make sure your child wears a coat eventhough it is warming up.
*Have fun getting use to Day Light Savings Time.
*Home Reading - Thanks for reading every night!
*Assembly - Thursday, March 31 - Reading Challenge Draws - wear red!
*Spring Concert - Gr. 1 - 3 - We are goats. Wear white shirts and blue jeans or dark jeans.
Cultural Hall at 6:30 p.m.