The month is almost over. That means 9 months of school left. Wow!
What a great week!! We are really getting into a good routine and making giant strides. I am so impressed with the quality of work we are producing now!
*When you come to pick up your child early, please remember that they must be checked out at the office. Thanks!
*Absent - Please make sure that your child completes the worksheets that they miss when they are absent. They don't have to be returned the very next day, but whenever they are finished.
*V.I.P. - Thank you so much for remembering to write out the clues for your child to read. They are doing an awesome job. They love it.
*Fire Safety - Fire Safety is in the 1st week of October. Fireman, Stan Colenutt is coming to make a presentation for all Grade 1 students. He has been doing this for a few years and gives a fantastic presentation. He is coming on Wednesday, September 29, so your child won't want to miss that day. Practice a family fire escape at home. It is very important for you and your children to know what to doand where to meet in case of an emergency.
*Snacks - Your child really appreciates and enjoys their recess snack. I know some of you may really question if it is necessary. If you eat breakfast around 7:30 a.m., your child goes without food for about 3 hours. They really are hungry for a small snack at recess and it really does help them make it to lunch time. Thanks for your cooperation with this. Sometimes your child eats both of their snacks on Friday at recess time. I'm trying to remind them to only eat one and save the other for Snack Time! SO many things to remember!
*Home Reading - We will be reading Sam and the Sap on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we will be reading A Tap and a Pat. Please practice reading the stories every night. Read the sentences backwards if the stories are easy for your child. When you listen to your child read, please be very patient with them when they don't remember a word that you may have told them 50 - 100 times. Just very nicely tell them what the word is. I know this is sometimes hard to do. Remember how you would feel if someone corrected you all day long at work. Also, practice reading the vocabulary words and sight words. Do not read them in the same order all the time. Grade 1 students are very good at memorizing things in a certain order.
*Spelling Test - I'm so proud of my class and the great job they are doing with spelling the words. I do not give the spelling words in the same order that they appear on the sheet. I do not have the students correct the words at school. I like you to go over them at home so that you can see what they missed. Please remember to celebrate the good things that they do. They really are doing the very best they can do and will not always get them all right. They will be so excited if you make positive comments about any of their work. Thanks!!
*Late - Thank you for trying to be to school on time!
*Practice tying shoes laces and zipping up zippers.
*Library Books - Students check out books on Wednesday and Friday. I wish we were scheduled for more time in the library. Hopefully, you have a library card for the Public Library, so that you can check out books whenever you want to.
*Agendas - Thank you for signing the agenda every night. I appreciate your comments and for letting me know of appointments, etc.
*Chirp, Chickadee, Owl forms - Please check no in the box and sign your name and return. Our class can earn classroom rewards.
*Highlights form - This will be coming in about a week. Please check no in the box and sign your name so we can earn some more classroom rewards. Thanks!
*Blog - Please read weekly and hope you are enjoying the pictures. Cute class! Commenting on the blog. Click where it says comment. Type in comment. Underneath where it says select a profile, click on anonymous. Then you can type in your name, if you want to. If you are still having problems, let me know.
*School monthly newsletter from Mr. Hogg -
*If you don't have access to the internet, please let me know!
*Remember to call me or write in your child's agenda about any concerns or questions that you have.
*Weather is looking great for next week.
Have a wonderful week and "Enjoy Your Crew"!
Friday, September 24, 2010
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