Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 6 - 10

Hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! It went way too fast!!
*We made it through one week of school. Every day got better and better! It is hard for everyone to adjust to going to bed earlier, getting up earlier in the morning, sitting all day, and having to work all day! Thank you for all of your help and for the snacks to help us do this.

*We enjoyed going swimming last week. Now it won't happen until next May or June.

*Late Policy - All students who are late will be sent to the office to sign a late slip and tell the office why they are late. This happens at 8:30 a.m. and 12:49 p.m.

*Pizza Day - Money and order needs to be handed in by Thursday, September 9 in the morning. Wear red/white on Pizza Day. It is fun to have everyone eating together. If you don't want to order, your child can bring a lunch and eat with us.
We are excited about Pizza Day!

*Running Shoes - Thanks for trying to have an extra pair at school.

*Absent - Remember, if you know in advance of an appointment, etc. please jot it down in your child's agenda. Thanks! Phone the office if your child is sick! This makes their job easier. If you need to take your child for an appointment or other reasons, you have to check them out at the office.

*Home Reading - Great job last week! Did you notice the sheet with the story typed without pictures and the vocabulary. Practice reading the sheet and the story booklet. If your child can read the story fluently, have them try reading the story backwards. It is harder to memorize the story if you do this. Next week, I will be sending the 5 sight words on a ring. From then on, I will send the sheet with the 5 words and you can cut them and use the ring. The words that have a star by them, are "family words". (at - fat, bat, cat, mat, rat, sat, etc.) We use yellow for the "family words". The words that have a "stop sign" by them, are sight words. Most of them need to be memorized. We use red for the "sight words". Remember, reading 15 minutes every night consistently is more beneficial than trying to catch up.

*Spelling Test - Our 1st spelling test will be Friday, September 10. I will sound out the words very slowly. I want the 1st test to be a success for each child. Thanks for practicing the words at home. We practice every day on our white boards with our dry erase marker and finger glove. (Please send a finger glove as soon as possible.) Thanks!

*V.I.P. - Starts this week. Remember to write down 3 clues for your child. Practice reading it at home. I will help your child if they forget. Then the students have 3 guesses and we ask 3 questions. They love it. Only send 1 item to share.

*Snack - Wow! Thanks for sending a snack for morning recess! It really helps your child make it to lunch time. Also thanks for sending 2 snacks on Friday!

*Comet Youth Basketball Registration - Thursday, September 9 @ 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.

*Agenda- Thanks for signing agenda every night!

*Grocery Bags - Thanks for sending. We used alot of them last week for our wet swimming suits and towels.

*Printing - We are working really hard to improve our printing by forming the letters properly and trying to start from the top and then down to the bottom. We don't print alot of letters. I walk the students through each letter and we pay close attention to the size and the correct formation.

*Room Mother - Our Room Mother is Leslie Heggie, Jane's mom. Thanks Leslie!

*Justin Patrick has a new baby brother. His name is Logan and I think he weighed 5 lbs. 3 oz. Congratulations to his family.

*My youngest son is getting married September 18. I will be heading to Spokane, Washington after school Tuesday, September 14. I won't be at school Wednesday, September 15, Thursday, September 16, and Friday, September 17. It is very hard for me to miss school, especially in September. BUT, I wouldn't miss my son's wedding for anything.

*Meet the Teacher Night - Thursday, September 16 @ 6:00 p.m. I won't be there because I will be in Spokane getting ready for my son's wedding. There will be draws for free school fees, and for books. You have to be in attendance to win.
*Head Lice - This can happen to any of us at anytime. Please check your child for the next couple of weeks.

*Head Lice - This can happen to any of us at anytime. Please check your child for the next couple of weeks.

*Puzzlemania & Highlights - Thanks for signing and checking off "no", so that we can earn classroom rewards. Keep sending in the forms.

*Early Morning Breakfast - Friday, September 10, from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. This year it is only for the students at R.E.S. We are trying to focus on eating a good healthy breakfast. We will be eating pancakes, fruit, and water.

*Autobiography and Family Celebration sheet - I am sending home an envelope with these. Please fill out and return to school by Friday, September 10 if possible.
We will color these sheets at school. These sheets go in your child's Gr. 1 book that we produce for you.

*Allergies - Please let me know if your child has any allergies or health problems.

*This is my second year at doing a blog. I am not very computer literate but I am willing to try and improve. Hang in there with me.

We are off to another great week!


  1. Hello, Mrs. Bourne. I made it on to your site and I am loving it so far.
